65 Tb Terbium
Lanthanoid, mass: 158,92 u, 1 stable isotope (159), abundance rank (earth/space): 58/78Click image to magnify. Pure terbium, 3 grams. Original size: 1 cm
Terbium is a relatively resistant, sparsely toxic lanthanoid. It has some special technical applications, especially in optoelectronics. Terbium(III)-ions can fluoresce very good in green and yellow, so terbium is used in in CRT television sets, similar to europium.
Terbium(III) sulfate, Tb2(SO4)3, a white salt (right), fluoresces green under ultraviolet light (left). See also europium.
Left: A small piece of terbium dissolved in 25% acetic acid. The reaction product contains the colorless terbium(III) ion and the red-brown terbium(IV) ion, probably as terbium acetate.
Right: After the acid evaporated, small crystals of the terbium compounds remained. Visibly more terbium(III) than terbium(IV) formed. Detail size about 4 cm. See also holmium.
After almost five years in air: the surface of the terbium piece is slightly oxidized.
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Page last changed on March 05. 2016
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