58 Ce Cerium
Lanthanoid, mass: 140.12 u, 3 stable isotopes (136, 138, 140), abundance rank (earth/space): 28/51Click image to magnify. Ultrapure cerium under argon, 1.5 grams. Original size in cm: 1 x 1
Cerium is the most frequent of the lanthanoids, most of it occurs mixed with the others of them. Often it is used as mischmetal, which contains a natural lanthanoid mixture and is cheaper than the separated lanthanoids. This typically consists of 50% cerium, 20% lanthanum and neodymium, 5% praseodymium and the other lanthanoids in fewer amounts as well as iron and other elements. Iron and cerium are the only elements, where by hard and fast friction sparks can be produced.
Used flintstone from a lighter, made of ferrocerium (cerium and iron), 2 mm diameter.
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Page last changed on March 05. 2016
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